
2023 Shanghai International Blockchain Week & 9th Global Blockchain Summit

Tue, 19 Sep 2023 08:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    About the Event

    The "Blockchain New Economy" Global Blockchain Summit organized by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a premier gathering of global blockchain lovers that takes place in Shanghai every autumn. The first edition was held in 2015. In 2016, blockchain hackathon, open day and other activities were added to make the first Shanghai International Blockchain Week with the second Global Blockchain Summit, enabling attendees to get a better understanding of the latest development of blockchain technologies and applications.

    Held for nine consecutive years, Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the Global Blockchain Summit have grown into one of the most renowed blockchain events in the world with a distinguished line-up of speakers, such as Li Lihui, Former President of the Bank of China, Yao Qian, Director of Science and Technology Supervision Bureau, CSRC, Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum and Chief Scientist of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, Gavin Wood, Founder of Polkadot, Juan Benet, Anatoly V. Anisimov, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Ukraine, Juan Benet, Founder of Protocol Labs, Dawn Song, Professor at UC Berkeley and so on. 

    The latest edition of Shanghai International Blockchain Week in 2023, themed as "Future Web3",  will continue to make an impressive gathering of famous blockchain scholars, experts, tech leaders and representatives from blockchain and related fields with the following three iconic activities:

    Sep.15-17 2023 Wanxiang Blockchain Hackathon

    As the warm up activity of the Shanghai International Blockchain Week, 2023 Wanxiang Blockchain Hackathon is gearing up to gather excellent blockchain developers and enthusiasts around the world for tight competitions and hefty prizes from Sep.15 to Sep.17. We are looking forward to seeing blockchain innovators and young blood to build impressive and valuable projects in this competition.

    Sep.18 Open Day

    To nurture an atmosphere of dynamic and in-depth communication, we will have this special day for fellow companies to display their projects and technologies and for our audience to explore more exciting opportunities. During the blockchain week last year, there were nearly a hundred blockchain-focused activities happening around the event venue.

    Sep.19-20 The 9th Global Blockchain Summit

    "I consider Wanaxiang Blockchain as a role model for theblockchain industry as it has been focusing on this area andits pursuit of professionality remains unchanged." Yao Qian, Director of Science and Technology Supervision Bureau of CSRO, once commented.

    Adhering to the vision of nurturing a global blockchain ecosystem and promoting the development of the global blockchain industry with high quality content and networking opportunities, the Ninth Global Blockchain Summit will invite prominent technical leaders, experts and scholars from various industries as always to jointly discuss the latest achievements, trends and ideas of the blockchain industry. All speeches and panel discussions will be streamed. 

    For more information, please visit https://www.blockchainlabs.org/week2023/home, or follow us at Twitter@WXblockchain.

    Speakers (The list keeps updating and the names are listed in no particular order.)


    Partners (The list keeps updating and the names are listed in no particular order.)




    Please show the QR code on your e-ticket(s) to claim your badge(s) at the registration area of the event. The badge(s) will be the only certificate to attend the event. Please do not transfer the badge(s) to others and keep the badge(s) save. They cannot be replaced if they are lost.


    If you have any quesitons about the event or want to become our partners, please contact us via summit@blockchainlabs.org.

    Get Inovice

    1.  Provide the information required to get the invoice when you fill in the registration form.

    2. Send the screenshots of your ticket payment, company name and tax number to summit@blockchainlabs.org with the email subject of Apply for Invoice of the 9th Global Blockchain Summit.

    3. Invoices will be sent to you within 15 working days after the event.

    Ticket Discount:

    1. You may enjoy a 20% off if you wish to buy 5 or more than 5 tickets;

    2. This group ticket discount can be used with other special offers. If you wish to use two or more kinds of discounts together, please send an email to  summit@blockchainlabs.org for further discussion.

    Ticket Refund Policy

    1. The tickets are for attendees of the 9th Global Blockchain Summit. Lunches and coffee breaks on Sep.19 and Sep.20 are included while Hackathon and Open Day are not included.

    2. The ticketing plaform Huodongxing will help to deal with ticket refunds and a 10% service fee for each and every refunded ticket will be charged by Huogongxing. This refund service fee is not charged by the organizer and cannot be waived by the organizer.

    3. If you wish to refund your ticket(s), please issue the refund at least 24 hours before the event starts. Any refunds issued in less than 24 hours before the event starts will not be dealt with.

    4. If you wish to refund your ticket(s) as the event is rescheduled or cancelled due to force majeure such as epidemic, no refund service fee will be charged. You can email us at summit@blockchainlabs.org to issue a refund.  We will deal with your applications when we receive the emails.

    Previous Editions

    2015 the 1st Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Blueprint

    As the earliest public blockchain event in China, the First Global Blockchain Summit in 2015 marked the beginning of the blockchain industry in China and was widely recognized as a milestone in its development. This also laid the foundation for the following events, which are the high-quality content based "technological" conference focused on exploring and implementing blockchain technology.

    2016 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 2nd Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Horizon

    The Second Ethereum Devcon, Demo Day and the Second Global Blockchain Summit co-hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and the Ethereum Foundation attracted almost 100 speakers and over 1000 attendees around the world, pushing the development level and international status of China’s blockchain industry to a new height.

    2017 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 3rd Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Breaking Dawn

    This summit gathered over 1000 influential speakers and attendees to exchange ideas and learn from each other on topics related to blockchain application, regulation and trends.

    2018 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 4th Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Tech Exploration

    Over 100 contestants competed for the hackathon and won hefty prizes. More than 500 global developers joined the discussions on technical challenges and their solutions while a great number of attendees around world participated in the summit to exchange ideas on how to breakthrough technical bottlenecks and share their experience and use cases.

    2019 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 5th Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: New Decades New Beginning

    By showcasing the prominent blockchain applications and enlightening the audience on blockchain’s contribution to all industries and the real economy, this event attracted nearly 2000 visitors to share their ideas and build the ecosystem together.

    2020 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 6th Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Integrated Innovation

    Adhering to the vision of delivering high quality content to the audience, this event invited tech leaders and elites from diverse industries to discuss the achievements, trends and concepts of the blockchain industry over last year and held forums on such topics as digital finance, distributed cognitive industrial internet and IoT3.0.

    2021 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 7th Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Digital Transformation

    The gathering of leaders of blockchain and related industries focused on discussing blockchain application and its contribution to digital transformation. New industry and business models would emerge from the integration of digital technologies and the real economy and the upgrades of the traditional industries.

    2022 Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the 8th Global Blockchain Summit

    Blockchain New Economy: Together for a Shared Future in Blockchain

    Focusing on hotspot issues of blockchain and related industries, this event invited influencers, tech leaders and scholars to share their ideas on the future of blockchain. The opening ceremony and the eight forums on different topic were named after the stars in the solar system, adding to the imagination and attractiveness of the event.

    About Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

    Funded by China Wanxiang Holdings in 2015, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a non-profit research institution focused on Blockchain technology. Wanxiang Blockchain Labs provides support for the research, entrepreneurship, developments and applications in the industry. It will also provide reference information for regulatory bodies. Overall, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been dedicating itself to the promotion and application of Blockchain industry, and to exploring how the technology will be contributing to the development of the economy and the society. As the first research organization in China determined to support the development of blockchain technology globally, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been hosting global blockchain summits in China, which have become one of the most influential industrial events in Asia. Through these efforts, participants from various industries have shown great interest in blockchain technology and the potential of what it could bring to the world.

    Contact Us

    Email: summit@blockchainlabs.org

    Twitter: @WXblockchain

    Official Website: https://www.blockchainlabs.org/week2023/home

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    2015年,万向集团金融板块中国万向控股有限公司在区块链技术领域开始了战略性布局,成立了国内较早的区块链技术研究机构——万向区块链实验室,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin担任首席科学家。2017年,在进一步整合资源、深化平台建设的基础上,上海万向区块链股份公司正式成立。 万向区块链致力于构建一个充满活力的全球化区块链生态圈,从技术、资金、资源等方面全力推动中国区块链行业的发展和落地。目前,万向区块链在区块链领域累计投入超过10亿人民币,万向区块链生态在全球投资的优质区块链项目已超过150个。 公司专注于区块链技术研发,联合生态合作伙伴打造了以隐私计算为特色的新一代联盟区块链平台——PlatONE,用分布式认知技术创新形成数字经济的可信基础设施。在产品应用方面,万向区块链聚焦供应链金融、智慧城市基础设施、可再生能源、生物资产等重点行业,利用技术和生态优势为各行业客户提供成功的区块链解决方案和产品,以技术支持实体经济发展。 万向区块链被列为上海市高新技术企业,同时也是中国区块链技术和产业发展论坛副理事长单位、中国互联网金融协会会员、中国支付清算协会会员。公司作为国家区块链标委会、ISOTC307、IEEE计算机协会区块链委员会等多个组织的委员,参与并主导了多项国家与国际标准的制定工作。万向区块链获得了ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO/IEC27001信息安全管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、ISO45001职业健康安全管理体系的认证。

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